This blog is not dead! Never! =DD
Maybe until next restructure HAHAHA.
But till then, keep checking back! E2 ROCKS!
Our church attendance last week was...
Whoo! God is awesome!
For E Zone, we have finally broken through and hit 100!
What's more, E2 broke through and we were 21!
Praise God! Let's keep having faith and success!
E2 will grow and grow and grow! Breakthrough! :)
The last session of BMT is in 10 hours time and we're all excited. We're going to graduate!...
... No actually, just Tommy and myself. HAHA.
The rest will graduate during the second round! Because most of us have school and exams etc. that clashes...
Can't wait to see everyone officially serving God very soon! :)
Let's not just be normal Sunday Christians, but strong and radical ones!
This is what we want to be... Not just big, but strong.
Pastor How once shared that he rather has a STRONG church than a BIG church... Of course, we still want to be both BIG and STRONG!
But strength is more important than size...
A church isn't strong if 1000 people come for weekend services, but only 300 turn up for a church-wide prayer meeting or their respective cell group meetings...
A church isn't strong if it has the strength of 700, yet only 200 serve in ministry...
A church isn't strong no matter how high their peak attendance, but fall drastically during exam period...
Heart of God church isn't like that! Amen?
We are strong. We are radical.
It is easy to say "God is my first priority" during the holidays and times when we are the most free, but the real test comes when we're facing the biggest problems and challenges in our lives, especially exams and work...
It is easy to be enjoy and be excited about the things of God and church, but staying faithful and committed to it is another story...
It is easy to say that we love God, but it's difficult to say that we are loyal to Him...
It is easy to say that we'll give God our 100%, our all... But to live it?
Pastors are successful today because they are radical.
Pastor How gave up taking over his father's multi-million dollar business company to serve God.
Pastor Lia quit her job as a Straits Times journalist.
Today they are the pastors of our church, a fast-growing church who hit 1017 people just last weekend...
A convicted church who pledged close to two million dollars for Building Fund...
With faith-filled and faithful people... Top N Level Student, Selwyn Sim... One of the best amateur golfers in Singapore, Justin Han... And not forgetting our very successful businessman Clemen Chiang...
Our leaders like Garrett can lead more than a hundred people, play guitar on 41st Day, lead another worship team (Resonance), be a chief of staff and still do well in a university like SMU...
Wendy Neo led around 50 people last year and got A A C for her A Levels...
Their lives around Matthew 6:33, loud and clear...
"But seek FIRST the kingdom of God and it's righteousness, and all these things shall be added to your place."
We can be like them. Radical. Reckless. Risk-takers. Full of faith.
Knowing that when they give their all to God, God will give them His all as well.
Even in the midst of exams... Or even in the midst of many problems...
When time and seasons were against them... They were able to stand strong...
More than just coming for services, they still never gave up what they were currently doing for God...
How are we Christians... when we can't live and walk by faith?
"Then it shall be, if you heed all that I command you, walk in My ways, and do what is right in My sight, to keep My statutes and My commandments, as My servant David did, then I will be with you and build for you an enduring house..." - 1 Kings 11:38
If we build God's house, God will build ours...
God will build our lives strong like an enduring house.
If we obey God's call and commandments, God will be steadfast to answer our prayers.
If we are faithful to everything we do for Him, He will be faithful in building our lives.
If we can take care of His church and His people, He will take care of us.
If we can live for God's glory and success, God will bring us to success in life.
So, will you be radical today?